Services Accelerating solutions via high performing supercomputers. A.D.A.M Supercomputer Ranked 88th fastest in the world in 2019. We built and assembled our own GPU-based supercomputer to accelerate genomic data processing, rendering, deep learning and artificial intelligence, finance, scientific and engineering simulators; all in one platform. 24PFLOPS Half-precision (FP16) 6PFLOPS Single-precision (FP32) 2PFLOPS Double-precision (FP64) High Performance Computing Ready to use virtualized or bare-metal servers with 100% dedicated hardware and GPUs that provides high performance computing power and reliability. ML/AI Model Deployment (Mata) Simplifies artificial intelligence and machine learning model deployment. Use our existing pre-trained models or upload yours. Weather Forecasting With the aid of our proprietary data and state-of-the-art forecasting models, our Weather API for enterprise users delivers rapid, dependable, and highly precise weather information. World Market Predictions (Okane) Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Forex, Indices end of day (EOD) pricing predictions. Make better decisions by using AI/ML/Analytics.